
State of florida generator fuel laws
State of florida generator fuel laws

  1. State of florida generator fuel laws generator#
  2. State of florida generator fuel laws free#

addressed this bicycle/trailer/motor combination and forbids their operation on non-motorized facilities when the motor was providing any amount of propulsion. At that time I wondered whether or not their use was legal on shared-use paths and sidewalks, and my research led me to conclude that § 316.1995(1), Fla. There is at least one company that sells a trailer that is propelled by a battery powered electric motor, and the first one I saw (and heard-it was loud) was in 2012 as I recall.

State of florida generator fuel laws free#

However, we are free to attempt to change those laws through the legislative or judicial process. There are laws in place that regulate bicycles with motors, and we have an obligation to comply with the laws whether we like them or not. Whether or not the laws regarding motorized bicycles are ridiculous is beside the point of this discussion. it is not attached to the drive train of the bicycle… i don’t think there are any laws about motorized trailers.” this makes me wonder if this could be a way around the ridiculous laws about motorized bicycles. You wrote: “i have also seen powered trailers pushing a bicycle. risks are what you take sometimes, but, mistakes are learned by at least trying. ingenuity starts in the back yards and homes of ordinary people, both old and young. without the young minds exploring, this country dies. how do you think this very site would be today, without the ingenuity of bill gates and what’s his name? what about the wright brothers and airplanes? i’m against government regulation like this. think about the government suppression of learning. Now, the question is, are or are not, battery powered bicycles allowed on the sidewalks and roadways of the state of florida? how the batteries are charged does not have anything to do with the statutes or laws or regulations. it is not attached to the drive system of the bicycle. if i had the way right now, i would do it and if pulled over, explain, that even under their own definition of motorized bicycles, this set up does not fall under their guidelines. they will do every thing possible, even lie, to steer you away from beating the system at their own game. now, if you try and invent, make something better or be self reliant, self sufficient, without government say so, you become a criminal. when i was a kid, you could do all kinds of things such as this. i’m looking at every angle i can come up with, because, i believe putting these kinds of rules and regulations on such things, suppresses the abilities and explorations of the mind of both kids and adults. get even more technical and set up wireless controls, as in remote control configurations. you could reverse the trailer and have it pull the bicycle. i don’t think there are any laws about motorized trailers. it can not change it to a moped or motorcycle designation. it is not attached to the drive train of the bicycle. i have also seen powered trailers pushing a bicycle. although, i am looking into what i see people doing, by mounting weed eater engines on bicycles.

State of florida generator fuel laws generator#

the generator would not even have to be run constantly, only as needed to charge the battery. the electric motor still requires a battery, as the load on the motor will exceed the power output of most any generator you could conventionally mount, unless on a trailer, and the weight then becomes a factor. since the gas generator is not attached mechanically to the drive of the bicycle, it can not be considered a moped or motorcycle, not even a gas powered vehicle. In my opinion, since electric motors are allowed, and the power source is a battery, then, the way the battery is charged is not of concern.

State of florida generator fuel laws